Green transition insights, sustainable innovation, and a healthy dose of play.
💚 Teenage nutrition, climate policy and a carbon trading scam
A year ago we ran Arla Hack, hosting 50 experts who came up with solutions on how to improve teenage nutrition and prototype the future of breakfast. Also, our climate science partner Sverker C Jagers has written a debate article on why climate policies are a good thing.
💚 What do EU voters prioritise?
Re-watch our webinar on how to get your business ready for the green transition, learn more about what topics EU voters prioritise, and find out about a straight-forward climate solution that’s been in place since the 70s.
💚 Getting your business future-ready and an upcoming election
In Love letter #78, we delve into the EU election, global energy generation and an increase in renewables as well as an upcoming webinar to get your business future-ready.
💚 2023 – A year in review
As we prepare to embark on the holiday season, we'd like to take a moment to look back at a few highlights of 2023. We encourage you to do the same! Take some time in the days ahead to celebrate your accomplishments. In the meantime – Another Tomorrow's year in review! See you on the flip side.
💚 Perspectives on change and the green transition
This week's newsletter is all about perspectives. First, our CEO's perspective on change, innovation, and Another Tomorrow's own transition journey. Secondly, an interview with Eva Svedling on navigating the green transition.
Att navigera grön omställning – intervju med Eva Svedling
Vi bjöd in Eva Svedling, tidigare statssekreterare och VD för tankesmedjan Global utmaning, till vårt kontor för ett samtal om det nuvarande landskapet för grön omställning, Sveriges miljömål, samt behovet av starka förebilder och nya samarbetsytor.
Staffan Ekholm: It's a pure innovation challenge
Recently, our CEO Staffan Ekholm visited the podcast Konsultpodden (in 🇸🇪) to talk about his own professional journey, as well as that of Another Tomorrow.
💚 Webinar Recap & Breakfast Prototyping
Welcome to a newsletter bustling with recent Another Tomorrow activity. It's the middle of autumn and we're deep in a number of projects. It's a busy time, but as good as any to take a moment and reflect on the things going on.
💚 Leadership in the face of uncertainty
The clock is ticking on future-proofing your organisation for a low-carbon economy. How can you keep from getting so comfortable with business-as-usual that you risk missing the market shift beneath your feet?
💚 Decarbonisation & Scope 3
A new decarbonised offering has been brought to market, and full emission disclosure is becoming norm for corporations around the world.
DFDS's Green Leap: Introducing Decarbonised Solutions
Together with DFDS we are excited to introduce a transformative new decarbonised offering. The initiative not only reduces DFDS's carbon footprint, but also empowers their customers to in turn reduce their Scope 3 emissions effectively.
Klimatledarskapet blir lättare om man engagerar fler (🇸🇪)
Att ha en hållbarhetschef är bra - men räcker inte. Fler måste engageras i den gröna omställningen.