Love Letter #43


Happy Easter! How will you be spending your well-deserved break this weekend? This love letter is all about innovation. Our CEO Staffan explains how to build an innovative culture, we talk about fostering internal innovation in a global organisation, electronic repair subsidies in Austria, and the sixth IPCC report. Read to the end to check out our podcast recommendation of the week! 
01 The Art of Capturing Ideas
"In order to increase the innovation pace in an organisation, a changed attitude is often needed. In the future, the skill of having a systematic innovation process will be crucial for companies' success." — Another Tomorrow's CEO Staffan spoke about innovation and how to create an innovative culture with "VD tidningen" last month. 

Here are five main take-aways from the article: 
- In many cases, innovation already exists in day-to-day practices but seeing the opportunities from a new or outside perspective can often help to speed up the progress. 
- Including those who are actually working within a certain area ready to be transformed is key to success.
- The power of cross-disciplinary collaboration: Combine people from different parts of the organisation with different roles and skills in order to look at problems with from a new perspective and build on each other's ideas. Learn more about our SLING process and how we make sure that everyone's voice will be heard during an innovation process.  
- Prototype your ideas and test them early! To visualise ideas use images, videos or simple physical constructions rather than just text as it will make it a lot easier for people to understand them. 
- There are no bad ideas! Building an innovative culture starts with encouraging people to fail. 
02 Innovation From Within

Together with our friends and neighbours at Hyper Island, we've been supporting Accenture Interactive in fostering bottom-up innovation, spotlighting people within the organisation and highlighting the power of innovation driven by people

In the past nine months, the global team consisting of people from Hyper Island, Another Tomorrow and Accenture Interactive has been exploring trending innovation topics such as the metaverse, blockchain, sound and sonic, sustainability, and many more with a global innovation community that has grown from 150 members to almost 800!
Our most recent newsletter explores the history, present and future of social media. As the Executive Director at Accenture Interactive, who we interviewed for this issue, puts it, brands and marketers' use of social media seems to have become a "sea of sameness" – in the article, we discuss how brands can create meaningful communities. 

Explore more trending innovation topics here on our Medium publication
03 Curated by Another Tomorrow
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> Save half on repairing electronics in Austria

Have you ever cracked your phone screen or had one of your electronic items stop working, causing you to buy a new one because the repair fee was simply too high? For Austrians, their Ministry of Climate Action & Energy has recently introduced a new scheme, Reparaturbonus: half the repair costs for electronics is subsidised, up to EUR 200 per device. In addition to reducing electronic waste, such a scheme also reduces the environmental cost of production and transportation.

Find out more about the Austrian government's waste reduction initiatives and their impact here
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> Sixth IPCC report

The recent sixth IPCC assessment report focuses on the mitigation of climate change (Mitigation? What's that, you ask? Watch this to understand what it means). Although the report warns that we are not on track to limiting warming to 1.5°C, it highlights that there is increased evidence of climate action. In fact, some countries have successfully decreased their emissions consistent with limiting warming to 2°C. 

The report also highlights that ambitious and effective mitigation requires coordination across government and society, in order for the world to get on track to limit warming to 1.5°C. Without achieving immediate and deep emissions reductions across all sectors, 1.5°C will remain out of reach for us – we're getting there, but still have a long way to go. 
Read more about the challenges of mitigating climate change in the IPCC report
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> Learn how to maximise your creative potential anytime, anywhere

Do you look forward to doing chores? Well, neither do we. To make mundane tasks less boring, we'd like to introduce you to podcasts by IDEO U, an online school that helps individuals unlock their creative potential through design thinking and collaboration.

In collaboration with some of the most inspiring change makers, design thinkers and creative minds, these podcasts cover topics ranging from a facilitative leadership style to discovering your creative inspiration.

Listen here

Happy Easter, stay safe and stay curious!
/ Linnéa & Team Another Tomorrow

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Love letter #44


Love Letter #42