Love Letter #42


How are you? It looks like the snow is back again in Stockholm and it's not even April yet! Today, we have an exciting announcement about Business and Climate Change. We also discuss France's most valuable start-up (hint: circular economy) and the future of cars and clothing. Let's get into it! 
01 Working Towards a Net-Zero Future
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We're excited to announce that this past autumn, Another Tomorrow's Head of Business Design Karin Wåhlberg completed the course Business and Climate Change: Towards Net Zero Emissions at University of Cambridge! 

Through the course, she's learnt about how to best mitigate the business risks of climate change, leveraging the strategic opportunities that come from taking action, leading a low carbon transition, and stimulating triple bottom line performance accounting for people, profit, and the planet.

Here's what Karin had to say about her experience: "It's been extremely enlightening, pretty intense, instantly useful, and an important step for me personally in contributing to Another Tomorrow's increased focus on helping organisations succeed with their net zero transitions." 

Want to read about Karin's insights on the net-zero shift and what it means for businesses? Read it here
02 Curated by Another Tomorrow
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> Circular economy: Better choices for all

Every year, we use the equivalent of 1.6 Earths in terms of resources and to absorb waste. In order to make up for the resources used in one year, the planet takes one year and 8 months to regenerate. With so much resources drawn from our natural environment without ensuring and encouraging its recovery, the global ecosystem is prone to collapse. 

According to research, circular business models in sectors such as rental, resale, remake and repair have the potential to claim 23 per cent of the global fashion market by 2030 - an opportunity worth $730 billion. For example, Back Market, a Paris-based startup that refurbishes iPhones was recently valued at $5.7 billion, becoming France’s most valuable startup. 

The circular economy is essential to reaching net-zero emissions, and all stakeholders will have to work together, ensuring a redesigning of the ways in which we make and use products and food. 
Read the full article here
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> The Future of Cars: "Living Spaces on Wheels"

"There is no border anymore – the living space of your house and your car interior space is not going to be much different," executive vice president of Hyundai Motor Company Lee told Dezeen. "It's going to be all connected together."

Can you imagine a future where your car becomes like your home? With advancements in autonomous driving technology and the space-saving features of electric motors, that's what the future is likely to look like.

Read the full article here
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> Innovations Transforming Fashion

In collaboration with Stockholm-based museum Fotografiska's The Changing Room exhibition, H&M Foundation has launched an ongoing inspiration space The Future Is Here.

This exhibition allows visitors to visualise the groundbreaking innovations in the fashion industry – 
fabrics made of CO2, lab-grown cotton, algae dyes and textiles, leather made of wine leftovers, clothes of food crop waste, and the first machine that can recycle blend-material textiles at scale.

Explore the 3D tour of the exhibition here

Make sure to take care of yourself and if you have the possibility to donate, Unicef and Akelius Foundation are doubling every donation between March 1st and April 8th. 

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!

/ Linnéa & Team Another Tomorrow

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Love Letter #43


Love Letter #41