Hacking the Future of Sustainable Energy
Identifying new ways of powering our society
These are difficult times for the energy industry. With disruptive digitalisation and the threat of climate change making the transition to sustainable energy sources more and more urgent; new ways of working are needed - fast.
Sweden’s largest energy provider, Vattenfall, is committed to resolving modern energy issues. Part of their commitment is to make innovation more open, transparent and inclusive. Another Tomorrow was brought in to design and facilitate an innovation process, in order to prototype the future possibilities of power and energy.
“What has been missing from the Swedish energy debate is imagination. The power of innovation has been completely underestimated”
— Göran Bohlin, Award-winning Inventor & Hackathon Participant
Video case of Vattenfall Hackathon
Cross-disciplinary perspectives
The format was a two day hackathon called The Future of Energy, where cross-disciplinary teams collectively explored and prototyped climate-smart solutions. Utilising our Sprint process Sling, Another Tomorrow guided participants through stages of Ideation, Prototyping and Testing.
Teams visualised their ideas in short, self-explanatory videos. These video prototypes were to be tested on the public in order to take the best ideas to the next level.