Strengthening the Power and Influence of the Young
Image via Youth 2030
Did you know that only two out of ten individuals between the age of 13-25 know how they can have an impact on the decisions being made in their municipality*? There seem to be no good solutions to involve young people in the traditional processes of local democracy. Until now.
Another Tomorrow is thrilled to announce that we’ll be going on another journey together with Youth 2030 Movement to strengthen the influence of young people in democratic processes in rural Sweden. In the upcoming year, we’ll be running ideation workshops, collaborative hackathons, and establishing platforms for and with local youth. They will be equipped with the right tools and methods to harness their creativity, ideas and solutions. One of the key success factors is that they then get to collaborate with the municipalities’ decision-makers to effect real change and improvements within their hometowns.
This cross-disciplinary collaboration led by Youth 2030 Movement will involve not only Another Tomorrow but also Glappet and the municipalities Munkfors, Falköping and Torsby, and will be supported by Sweden’s innovation agency Vinnova. Our ambition is to first test and then scale the existing methods developed by Youth 2030 and Another Tomorrow, in order to create better conditions for youth’s democratic influence in Sweden, and their hometowns.
“At Another Tomorrow we’re used to navigating complex matters and facilitating long-term change processes in a sustainable and scalable way. Prototyping enables us to shorten the learning process and opens up for more perspectives to participate. Having the chance to establish forums for young people from different backgrounds and age groups, and empower their unique perspectives and ideas, makes us very proud. We're looking forward to applying our methods and knowledge in order to give youth the ability to use their power to create their own future” — Karin Wåhlberg, Head of Business Design
Find the official press release here.
Interested in knowing more? Reach out to Karin 💌
*MUCF:s report “Goda levnadsvillkor för många, men inte för alla, ung idag 2021"