Love Letter #34


Today's newsletter is filled with lots of good stuff. A piece on transitioning towards the new net-zero economy, the final episode of COP26 Explained and some insights from our 5th Tomorrow Club that took place yesterday. Missed it? Watch the live stream below.
01 Are You Prepared For the Fastest Economic Transition in History? 
When it comes to the matter of climate change, it’s easy to primarily think of it in terms of a planetary transition. However, beyond that, and beyond the moral obligation we as individuals or organisations have, businesses should also consider it a fundamental transition of our economical system and the market upon which they operate. 

Sustainability work has often been associated with increased risk and cost, rather than opportunity. Is that really the case?

The net zero economy in numbers
  • By 2030, the net zero transition is predicted to contribute an additional US$26 trillion to the global economy compared to business as usual.
  • In comparison, the size of the world’s largest economy, the United States, was worth US$21.5 trillion in 2019.
  • The potential value of climate-related business opportunities is almost seven times higher than the cost of realising these opportunities.
Read the full article and learn more about how early movers can reap the benefits, what the risks are of not doing anything and where to start (plus some good news) — written by Head of Business Design Karin Wåhlberg.
02 The Effects of the Negotiations at COP26
In the final episode of COP26 Explained, climate researchers Åsa Löfgren and Sverker Jagers explain what effects the negotiations have on the outside. Parallel to what's happening during the climate summit, a whole world is adjusting to climate change — something that is not necessarily captured on the inside. 

Already now, we have companies, cities, regions, and countries collaborating to combat the effects of climate change. Plus, more can be done. How? That's something we discussed at yesterday's Tomorrow Club - scroll down!
03 Re-watch the Live Stream: Post COP26
Yesterday, we hosted our 5th Tomorrow Club together with Åsa and Sverker who presented their key take-outs from COP26, why it was different this year compared to previous ones, the main outcomes, and the shift and important change of represented groups at the summit — with more and more indigenous people present to put additional pressure on the negotiators. Re-watch the live stream here to find out how much we need to reduce our emissions, listen to the interesting questions the audience asked the researchers plus our special guest Sofia Leffler-Moberg, Head of Sustainability at PostNord Group, who shared the perspective of a massive logistics company adjusting to the new net-zero economy. 

Questions? Please reach out to us and we'll make sure to answer them.

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious!
/ Linnéa & Team Another Tomorrow

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Are you prepared for the fastest economic transition in history?


Love Letter #33